by hypnotherapist Chris Holmes
(Sing!): “What Shall We Do With The Poison Factory…?”
In the original post entitled “New Poison For Old!” I pointed to the amusing phenomenon over recent years of the drug companies who have already spent a lot of money developing the facilities for producing nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, micro-tabs, nasal sprays and suppositories spending research and development cash on probably futile attempts to find a real medical application for this extraordinarily poisonous substance. Good luck with that one guys!
So numerous times over recent years stories have popped up in the medical literature and the press about ‘possible’ new applications for nicotine. The desperate hope of the manufacturers is that the world will accept the daft suggestion (if it is repeated often enough) that nicotine is potentially a useful substance from a medicinal point of view, and ‘looks promising’ in test trials that have nothing to do with the original idea that it might help smokers in some way, which it doesn’t. Most smokers and nearly all medical experts know that now, and even those few that don’t soon will… so the race is on to find an issue or a condition that might be marginally affected by nicotine in short-term drug trials (if they conduct enough of them!) which is all it takes to get the damn stuff passed as if it were a medication for another spurious use… i.e. exactly what happened with the smoking application in the first place anyway.
All this is driven, not by any attempt at medical advancement, but by the economic reality of having the means of production already up and running but for an application that everyone is fast realising is bogus. Is, was and always will be – so if they don’t find another use for it quick, the drug companies are going to be left with poison factories that they might as well just dismantle, along with the whole bonkers notion of “therapeutic nicotine” – a phrase that makes about as much sense as “therapeutic cyanide”.
This exercise is like someone trying to develop a new application for the swastika. It was dangerous and useless enough last time it was popularised, now that it is recognised for what it really is, the last thing the world needs is someone giving it a makeover.
Anyway, to accompany these farcical attempts to find a useful application for what is simply a very deadly poison, I penned this little ditty which is loosely based on “What Shall we Do With The Drunken Sailor?”
What shall we do with the poison patches, What shall we do with the poison patches, What shall we do with the poison patches, Now that we’ve been rumbled?
Quick, in-vent new uses, Quick, in-vent new uses, Quick, in-vent new uses – Must be good for something!
We need a use for the Poison Factory, We need a use for the Poison Factory, We need a use for the Poison Factory… Cost a bloody fortune!
Might it help asthmatics? Might it help asthmatics? Might it help asthmatics? – No? Then try depression!
Feel down? Try our patches! Feel down? Try our patches! Feel down? Try our patches! Just as ‘good’ as Prozac.
Nicotine may help your memory, Nicotine may help your memory, Nicotine may help your memory… Forget it’s a poison!
(Faster) Now try schizophrenics… Next those with Alzheimers… Wind? Cramp? Shyness? Baldness? – Useless bloody poison!
What shall we do with the Poison Factory? What shall we do with the Poison Factory? What shall we do with the Poison Factory, Now that we’ve been rumbled?