Chris Holmes, author of Nicotine: The Drug That Never Was is a professional hypnotherapist based in Stockport, South Manchester, U.K. In full-time practice since August 2000, he has personally helped thousands of smokers quit the habit, without struggle or weight-gain, usually in one session. Knowing that tobacco-smoking is a compulsive habit, not a drug addiction, Chris became increasingly concerned that the nicotine myth was playing a key role in the continuation of smoking habits, when the truth is that smokers’ cravings are nothing to do with nicotine, or anything else in the smoke.
These compulsive urges – and ‘cravings’ for other things too, like chocolate for instance – can be easily eliminated in a hypnotherapy session, often permanently, and without reference to ‘nicotine receptors in the brain’ – utterly disproving the official medical line on smoking.
Knowing these things to be fact, and being able to explain the facts clearly and prove them simply through logical argument – as he does both on this site and in the definitive explanations in the book – Chris saw it as a matter of personal responsibility to tell smokers the truth, not only about smoking but also about the lies and misinformation supporting the nicotine myth, which are perpetuating the smoking problem by promoting bogus methods that don’t work for the vast majority of smokers.
Nicotine: The Drug That Never Was is the first written proof that smokers’ cravings have nothing to do with nicotine, and the first to explain exactly how Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) got to be passed as if it were a medication in the first place, when it is really only a poison with no therapeutic value whatsoever.
A former smoker himself, Chris feels appalled at the way smokers are being routinely manipulated, in vast numbers, simply for profit – and the true extent of NRT failures have been quietly covered up. At the same time, taxpayers have been repeatedly and deliberately misled about the “success rates” of the NHS Smoking Cessation Services, for which they foot the bill. Chris now believes that the blank refusal of medical authorities to admit their mistake amounts to causing death and injury on a huge scale by wilful neglect, and has launched the Truth Will Out Campaign to bring this ongoing health catastrophe to an end.
Chris is under no illusions that success will come easily, as there are so many vested interests involved who would prefer to maintain the status quo, even though it is causing untold suffering and costing millions of lives every year. That is why the Truth Will Out team really appreciate all genuine assistance to spread the word!
Chris Holmes BA(Hons) HPD SQHP DipCAH MNCH is the Director of Central Hypnotherapy, Merchants House, 24-25 Market Place, Stockport SK1 1EU.
Nicotine: The Drug That Never Was can be ordered either on-line via this site (£5 e-book or pdf, £16.95 paperback), or if you prefer not to buy on-line the paperback can be mail-ordered from this site – more details via the Contact Us facility.