This being the 119th day of the Truth Will Out Campaign, I thought an update was in order! Interest is certainly growing fast, although I have had virtually no spare time to promote the Campaign (over the last six weeks, anyway) apart from writing the posts. The fact is, I don’t need to! Already, the Campaign is growing organically without any further promotion from me, because other people are promoting it. All over the world, people I have never met find themselves in agreement with the aims of the Campaign, and as a result, word is spreading – as indeed it will, because truth will out, as the bard said.
The website has a wonderful Statistics Package built into it, from which we can tell all sorts of things. Right from the beginning, the majority of visitors have been from the United States. However, more and more people from the following countries are now repeatedly visiting the site: Canada, Australia, The Philippines, Spain, Taiwan and France all showing particular interest, as well as the UK of course. There are visitors from many other countries as well, but still only small numbers so far.
Since the launch date 6th March 2008, we know that there have been 1820 unique visitors to the site, clocking up a total of 2447 visits so far – an average of 144 visits for every week of the Campaign already. A total of 9,209 pages of the site have been viewed, an average of 5 per visitor, or 3.7 per visit, which shows that people are showing a real interest in the Truth Will Out site.
Not only that, more and more people are actively supporting the Campaign by directing other people to the site. Soon we will create a links page on Truth Will Out, linking back to those sites, and any others that wish to add their support – although we will of course vet them all, to make sure they have some genuine association with the main concerns of the Campaign. It’s still early days, but thisshould end up being a very large association of like-minded people, all sharing information and helping one another. Together, we will get rid of Nicotine Replacement Poisoning, by destroying the Nicotine Myth. Enlightenment brings change, inevitably.
69,700 clicks on this website so far, in only 17 weeks. That’s 4,100 for every week of the campaign so far, and this is going to snowball. Feel free to link to the site any time, if you have an interest in these matters! We will return the compliment soon, providing that is appropriate. We’ve made a great start – now just imagine how much active support there will 119 days after this postdate. Together we are destroying the Nicotine Myth, right here, right now. We are changing medical history – just like I predicted in the book. So spread the word: Truth Will Out! You know it makes sense!
*ALSO: Please feel free to post comments on the site regarding any of these posts, the site or the aims of the Campaign! We know you’re reading it – add your voice! Already we have some interesting comments about Champix (Chantix), feel free to register agreement or disagreement regarding anything on the site. For more information about hypnotherapy, visit the Central Hypnotherapy website.