Channel M Television

If smokers’ cravings were really withdrawal symptoms, they would get them at their worst when the level of nicotine was lowest – which is first thing in the morning when they open their eyes. In truth, most smokers do not keep cigarettes in the bedroom and don’t smoke straight away: there is a gap between opening their eyes, and lighting the first cigarette. For some it might be five minutes, for others, over an hour – but the point is, during that time they feel perfectly normal. So why are they not climbing the walls, desperate for nicotine? They haven’t had any for hours! Where are the terrible ‘withdrawal symptoms’?

The Truth About Smoking

I first became fully aware that smoking was not a drug addiction six or seven years ago. My smoking clients would walk in to my office ‘unable’ to stop smoking, and walk out free. How could that be, if they really were addicted to, or dependent on, a drug called nicotine?
The answer was simple: they were not. Nor is it a ‘psychological addiction’ – a nonsense term, since the ‘logical’ part of the mind (the conscious mind) is not really involved. No, it is entirely a compulsive habit, and it can be easily eliminated by effective hypnotherapy – just like any other compulsive habit.

Trust Me, I’m a Doctor

There is a world of difference, in my view, between medical people who mainly look after the welfare of others, and medical people whose primary concern is themselves – their career, wealth, influence and status. The same goes for therapists, which is exactly why clients should avoid any therapist who charges hundreds of pounds for … Continue reading “Trust Me, I’m a Doctor”

Site Launch!

This campaign is not attacking the medical profession. It is attacking the cosy collusion between medical authorities, the pharmaceutical industry and also the Department of Health, because they are all actively promoting methods that fail the vast majority of smokers, misrepresenting the facts and telling lies about alternative methods like hypnotherapy and acupuncture – all of which is costing lives and wasting resources.

About the Campaign

The Truth Will Out campaign is dedicated to making the scandal that lies behind Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) public knowledge. The government’s own commissioned review into the long-term effectiveness of the NHS Smoking Cessation Services showed that only six or seven percent of smokers were still smoke-free at one year, but they don’t want the … Continue reading “About the Campaign”

About The Author

Chris Holmes, author of Nicotine: The Drug That Never Was is a professional hypnotherapist based in Stockport, South Manchester, U.K. In full-time practice since August 2000, he has personally helped thousands of smokers quit the habit, without struggle or weight-gain, usually in one session. Knowing that tobacco-smoking is a compulsive habit, not a drug addiction, … Continue reading “About The Author”


For Client Testimonials, see the EVIDENCE section of the site. Nicotine: The Drug That Never Was. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the pharmaceutical business, hypnotherapy or anyone who has any compulsive behaviour such as smoking or biting your nails etc. The author, Christopher Holmes, explains beyond a doubt and sometimes … Continue reading “Testimonials”